
China, Europe and America: "The uncontested Megapower of Schmuckdom"

...if China is the country sitting on the biggest pile of cash
and the EU is China's number one trading partner,
shouldn't they have responsibility for footing the bill
for all those overly cushy European pension plans
that promised retirement seemingly within weeks of graduating from college?
Beijing appears to have enough money to commit $1.5 trillion dollars
to prime the pumps for seven "strategic" industries
(as they announced they were considering doing this week)…
while we don't seem to have enough cash to pay for extending unemployment benefits...
...We have enough money to bail out big European financial institutions
and their fat, happy shareholders,
but not enough to help out struggling American families?
We're paying for euro problems and unwinnable wars in the Middle East
and China is saving its yuan for other activities
like figuring out how to clean our clocks in the global marketplace of five minutes from now?
We are not just the uncontested Megapower of Schmuckdom,
we are a deeply confused nation led by people with profoundly twisted priorities
-- who clearly believe they report to higher powers than mere American citizens.
Today ...we are nonetheless forced to stomach the current charade on Capitol Hill
in which the Republican party fights for tax cuts for millionaires
while callously allowing Americans in need twist in the wind.
All this, while it turns out that across town in the Fed's corner of Foggy Bottom
it doesn't even take a vote to provide handouts for rich foreigners in want?
Where are the pitchforks and torches people?
Where is the outrage?
... do you think we'll see a call for the United States to help out again,
to dig into our own pockets to help solve European economic and social problems,
while we fail to take even the minimum required steps to take care of our own?
David Rothkopf

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