
Things to Say

You are capable of at least twice as much as you think


Please & thank you

I was wrong

What do you think?


I’ll be in your nape of the neck


Say it looks like or it appears to be instead of  it is

when you could be wrong


Where’s the poop, scooper?


Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity


Frank Leahy

If it weren’t for me, I wouldn’t be here


The football coach never tells the cheerleaders the team sucks

and the cheerleaders always cheer regardless


Profanity is the distraught cry of the inarticulate



It’s probably a low point of the day if a bird poops on you

unless you’re a plant root for which bird poop is cause for celebration


If I agreed with you

we’d both be wrong

We are there

when asked are we there yet?

Do those kept waiting

tally the shortcomings of the truant?


It’s kind of like marrying your ex-wife’s sister


Bass ackwards

Cross your i’s and dot the t’s

You did great

Life is too short to be little

Have as much fun as possible

in the shortest amount of time

with the least amount of risk

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