
Unanswered GPAC questions and Linkfest; Please share

If $10 million is projected to be raised through premium parking fees, and the fees are based on all 250 spaces to be paid at 180 events per year, what if the 250 cars per event don't show up because there is plenty of low cost parking nearby?

What if only 100 spaces per event get sold, because most can park across the street for $3?

How many free on street parking spaces are within 1/4 mile of the site?

Where are the "binding" private donor agreements?

If the Greensboro Community Foundation is guaranteeing GPAC donations, what will the collateral be invested in beforehand?

What are the anticipated interest rate costs for locking in GPAC debt after the variable notes mature, now that interest rates have risen?

What is the anticipated effect on the Carolina Theater, considering the venue that went under when DPAC opened up?

Where are the details of the time lines of when the private donations are going to delivered?

If the Community Foundation raised more than $10 million, why don't they buy the land for the GPAC?

It is my understanding that there has been no assessment of the underground infrastructure needs or cost estimates to handle what could be some intermittent yet sizable liquid refuse disposal possibilities in downtown Greensboro.

On GPAC; If AMS projected 149 events, why is the City of Greensboro saying 180 with 100% sold premium parking at every show?


GPAC; Should city council rescind the referendum vote before purchasing the property?


What guarantee does the City have that "over $20 million in private funds pledged for the GPAC" will be received?


On GPAC and the Community Foundation


Theoretically, the new GPAC proposal could work if...


On GPAC Municipal Bond Financing; If the assumed interest rate was 4.5%, what is it now?


Nancy Hoffman's perfectly legal contributions from GPAC task force members, as confirmed by city attorney S. Mujeeb Shah-Khan


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