
On GPAC; No binding committments and no letter of Credit

On the Community Foundation's ability to guarantee $30 million for the GPAC


What guarantee does the City have that "over $20 million in private funds pledged for the GPAC" will be received?


If the assumed interest rate was 4.5%, what is it now?


On GPAC and the Community Foundation


Kathy Manning, Randall Kaplan's wife, lobbying for a GPAC and their new hotel, with some Nancy Hoffmann, Dawn Chaney and Nancy Vaughan


Unanswered GPAC questions


Nancy Hoffman's perfectly legal contributions from GPAC task force members


If AMS projected 149 events, why is the City of Greensboro saying 180 with 100% sold premium parking at every show?



g said...

Cowardice lurks in anonymity.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's someone close who wants to allow you to save face... Sometimes your strongest critic is your best friend. You have a lot of energy. Use it for something constructive, not sniping at philanthropists. Be an agent of positive change. Stephen Covey tells us "Be a light not a judge." Also, " Seek first to understand rather than to be understood."

Champion a project to make life better in the city. Build something we can all be proud of.
Sometimes the greatest patriots, the most generous donors, the most effective social catalysts, the sources of seminal ideas, and the greatest activist Occupiers are Anonymous.

W.E. Heasley said...


Regarding the overall GPAC “plan” and those that promote and sponsor such plan, one might state (paraphrasing and borrowing from Steven Landsburg): Greensboro and Guilford County politicos, traditionally ignoring 99% of what is important, the GPAC politico plan is an improvement in that it only ignores 98.5%.

Regarding the local politicos that promote and sponsor the GPAC plan, possibly George Stigler of the University of Chicago provides some insight:

‘I have never encountered a political candidate who said, “I am running for office because I, with my dear wife and future administrative assistant, can earn more in politics then elsewhere.” Nor do I expect to. But the language of public interest surely covers a good many acres of self-interest.’ - George J. Stigler, from the essay The Intellectual and the Market Place, 1962, pg. 6.


Lazlo Toth said...

I read with interest in today's N & R that you were accused of adding an hour to the duration of City Council meetings. You ask good questions but is it possible that the city would be better served if you joined project teams and served as an auditor or inspector general?