
Greensboro News & Record Editorial, May 7: "Follow the money" and what the've ignored for years

"...the Republican-majority board face[s] a test right away in the matter of Oklahoma sweepstakes designer Chase Burns. Indicted in Florida on racketeering charges, Burns made $235,000 in campaign contributions last year to McCrory, Republican legislative leaders Thom Tillis and Phil Berger and other legislators of both parties.

What I said on the City of Greensboro giving TREBIC's Marlene Sanford taxpayer money for lobbying

"Democracy North Carolina filed a complaint with the Board of Elections about “possible illegal corporate donations, the possible illegal use of blank payee lines on checks, and possible illegal bundling involving two lobbying firms, including McCrory’s old law firm, which lobbied for Chase Burns.”

Did City of Greensboro executives Michael Speedling, Denise Turner Roth and Andrew Scott realize that TREBIC was illegally lobbying?

"...Clearly, the money was meant to influence the debate in Raleigh and let the lucrative trade continue, perhaps in some different form. If campaign finance laws were broken, violators should be prosecuted — whether they were those giving illegal contributions or those knowingly receiving them.

Kieth Brown "Greensboro Mayor Perkins Has a Pay To Play and a Crony Capitalism Moment in Hirring Lobbyist Craig Saperstein

"The integrity of the election system depends on respect for campaign finance laws. A wealthy contributor who stands to gain a lot more wealth if certain policies are enacted is restricted in how much he can give to candidates.

TREBIC: "a 501(c) or a "non-profit"

"Some donors try to get around those rules by disguising the real source of the money.

Why would the "Non-Biased PAC task force" hire what some believe looks like a biased, rent seeking "consultant" to study feasibility?

"...sometimes funds are routed through other organizations to appear legitimate. Thorough investigation is needed to trace the money.

GH; Like TREBIC doesn't bundle money?

The Board of Elections must conduct that investigation and follow leads wherever they go — without regard for political interests or party loyalties.

GH; Unlike the actions of the Editorial Board when it was someone they liked.

The board, despite its partisan makeup, works for the public and for the integrity of the state’s election system.


Why hasn't the Greensboro News & Record reported on the Craig Saperstein, Pillsbury Law lobbyist campaign contribution story?

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