
If Mitt Romney is worth at least $190 million and makes about 5% of dividends and 5% on capital gains, could he bring in an extra $5,656,178 by charging America’s children about $1,600 a piece?

Should Mitt Romney have disclosed his conflict of interest in his USA Today Op-Ed?

..............................Tax Cuts Extended   Tax Cuts Expired 

Taxable Income........  $18,981,000   $18,990,350?
Tax Liability.............    $2,839,650........$5,622,239?
Average Tax........ Rate    14.95%............29.59%?

$5,622,239 - $2,839,650 = $2,782,589 x 2 years = $5,565,178?

Married, No children
Tax Plan: Tax Cuts Extended vs. Tax Cuts Expired      
Tax Year:  2011
AMT Patch:  AMT Patch in effect

Tax Calculator

If about 1,699,000 US households make more than $250,000,
and their portion of the tax cuts cost $120 billion
are America’s elected leaders
about to charge everyone’s kids $1,600 each
to give all the households making more than $250,000 per year
an average of $70,629.78 each?

$120,000,000,000 / 75,000,000 Kids = $1,600 per American Child?

$120 billion divided by 1,699,000 = $70,629.78?

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