
Has the US economy lost 7.6, or 11.2 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007?

"Why The US Has Really Lost 11.2 Million Jobs This Recession

…while the total US population has increased by 6.8 million from 303.3 million to just over 310 million [between December 2007, and] July 2010, over the same 32 month period, the civilian labor force has declined from 153.9 million to 153.6 million.

If some falsely told they were to receive more pain than they actually did
described more than administered,
and others given more pain than led to expect thought it was less,
can some of what you believe to be true, be true to you,
until you think otherwise?

This makes zero sense, as all those aging into working age, or immigrating into the US need to find some job or some other paid activity (either legally or illegally).

But let's assume that due to discouragement with economic conditions people simply refuse to look for jobs. The reality is that eventually all those people will come storming into the job market, once the economy recovers sufficiently.

…the cumulative differential between the labor force as reported, and as calculated has hit an all time record of 3.7 million: this is a number that has to be added to the 7.6 million directly tabulated unemployed to get a sense of just how many jobs have been lost assuming a reversion to the mean for the US economy.

It can be good to find what not to think,
unless you’re wrong.

In other words, after eliminating the statistical voodoo of the BEA and the Census Bureau, the US has lost just over 11.2 million jobs since the start of the recession."

Tyler Durden

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