
On Domesticating Wild Pigs and the Enslavement of the World’s Middle Class Through Thought Control

All animals are equal,

but some animals are more equal than others.


George Orwell


To catch a herd of wild pigs,

find a clearing in the woods and put out food.


Once the pigs find the food,

they’ll come back to eat again.


When they are used to coming every day,

put up one side of a fence.


When they get used to the fence,

put up another, and another, and the last with a gate.


When the pigs come back for the free food,

close the gate.


After becoming temporarily upset,

the pigs accept captivity and eat the free food.



If the pigs are the working class,

did corporate controlled government put up the fence

comprised of what most read, hear and see

from government/special interest controlled mainstream media outlets

funded with rapidly increasing quantities of fiat currency?


Is the free food socialized benefits,

 Cash for Clunkers, Tax Cuts, Bailouts, Stimulus Spending, etc…?


Remain calm. All is well!


Chip Diller (Kevin Bacon)

Animal House


Are tax cuts not offset by spending cuts free food

to be paid for by piglet hardship?


Are unfunded retirement promises free food?


We should consider ourselves unauthorized to saddle posterity with our debts,

and morally bound to pay them ourselves.


Each generation has the right by will of its majority to bind themselves,

but none to bind the succeeding generation.


Thomas Jefferson


Have we sacrificed our children’s future prosperity

for some free food in the present

because so many have been convinced there is no fence?

1 comment:

Brenda Bowers said...

Some are beginning to see the fence, but the gate is swiftly closing. BB