
What could happen in some south east Asian countriesif a new generation of middle class college graduatescan’t find jobs?

There is an element in the readjustment of our financial system

more important than currency

more important than gold

and that is the confidence of the people


Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Replaced Herbert Hoover as US President in 1932

 after government intervention failed to mitigate The Great Depression


If unemployed Americans aren’t buying

what unemployed Chinese aren’t making

have more than 6 million newly unemployed Americans

left at least 30 million Chinese workers unemployed?


Did the leaders of most emerging economies

indirectly confiscate their citizens’ savings

by lending money to developed economies

to keep currency exchange rates relatively low

to encourage more sales of manufactured goods?


Ponzi finance units must increase its outstanding debt

 in order to meet its financial obligations


 A transition occurs over the course of an expansion

as increasingly risky positions are validated by the booming economy

that renders the built in margins of error superfluous

 encouraging adoption of riskier positions


 Eventually, either financing costs rise

 or income comes in below expectations

leading to defaults on payment commitments


 Hyman Minsky


Have American legislators and the Federal Reserve

been abusing the dollar’s status as a reserve currency

to avoid overtly raising domestic taxation

by covertly taxing US dollar denominated assets like oil

by over-printing money?


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