
13,329 x $36,663 = $485,014,827

The May unemployment rate rose to 11.3 percent in Guilford [County]


…the amount of unemployment benefits increased

from $11.6 million to $12.6 million, during that same time


Rockingham had the highest rate at 14.3 percent

up from 13.3 percent in April


…the increase in May represents some 2,000 new people

without a job in Guilford


Since May 2008

the unemployment rate here has nearly doubled


A year ago, 14,218 people were unemployed


…there were 27,547 without jobs this May


27,547 – 14,218 = 13,329


If the per capita income for Guilford County was $36,663 in 2008


and 13,329 x $36,663 = $485,014,827(yes, more than $485 million)

 how low could local tax revenues go?


…the Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord metro area

eliminated 52,000 jobs


Local jobless rate climbs after a brief reprieve

Jennifer Fernandez

Greensboro News and Record

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