
dshort and Henry Blodget


Given that we just had the highest peak in history by a mile

 it doesn't seem absurd

to think that we might be headed for the lowest trough in history by a mile


If the stock market stops falling

and earnings eventually begin to grow again

we would be close to the bottom


The market could simply move sideways for five to 10 years

while earnings growth gradually reduced the price-to-earnings ratio

to the 5 to 8-times range


This is what happened in the 1970s


Henry Blodget

How Low Can The Market Go?


If some equity markets overshot on the way down

after financial bubbles in burst 1873, 1901, 1929, 1966 and 2000

and rose when abhorred

could some trends tend to last longer and/or end sooner than many think?

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