
On The Sitcom Greensboro City Council Voted For Last Night

Unsold television pilots are pilots developed by a company that is unable to sell it to a network for showing.

2/3 of pilot television shows developed in America never even make it to air.

Only 32% of broadcast network shows make it to a second season.

Scripted and unscripted shows fail at the same rate.

5% of shows that are announced don't even air.

4% of broadcast series have changed networks.

New shows on average lose 14% of their audience by episode two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a fuddy-duddy. Can't you see that this type of "investment" will create a "multiplier effect" that will ripple with economic joy throughout the Greensboro economy?

Jeez. Read some Keynes and learn how to love Big Brother.