
I am a Super Dooper Super Hero

I am a Super Dooper Super Hero, which I will soon erase from the memories of those who read this.

If you ask me if I am a Super Hero, I’ll deny it.

Ask me if I’m a Super Dooper Hero, I’ll say “no.”

Ask me if I’m a Super Dooper Super Hero, I’ll say “I couldn’t say.”

When in “Super Dooper” mode, short for Super Dooper Super Hero mode, I wear sunglasses,
unless it's really dark.

I cut my hair and trim my nails with regular scissors and clippers in Normal Human Mode (NHM).

I make everyone forget my intervention to maintain anonymity and preserve widespread perceptions of free will.

Some of my friends call me “Dooper,” but don’t know why.

To throw meddlers off my trail, I act like an antiestablishmentarianist, play hurt sometimes and appear to age.

I see dead people.

My power is that I can do anything, as long as I believe it already happened.

I have counted to infinity, twice.

I can time travel, and can be in two or more places and/or times simultaneously.

It's all about widths.

I have authorized my secret identity, George Hartzman, to offer an amazing opportunity;

Those who call any number are eligible to receive authorized permission to use the coveted Super Dooper Super Hero Friend acronym – SDSHF, after signatures and on printed documents for $100.00.

Call Now.

Those who call in the next self determined time span will receive an SDSGF III designation, regularly $300.00, for the low, low price of $200.00.

Call Now

Once you receive your certificate of authenticity, you will not remember that I am really a Super Dooper Super Hero, but only that you are a Super Dooper Super Hero Friend, but you won't know why.


What you may think I'm thinking isn't necessarily what I'm thinking.

Fine print can take what big print gives.

Some of what was may not have happened the way you think.

The only two certainties are that you and everything that’s not you,
exists as long as you think.

Without written exemptions, sometimes multiple restrictions may not apply, unless they do.

Most information is hypothetical.

What you don’t know you don’t know is more than you think.

I am not liable if observation alters the observed.

The actual existence of some information can neither be confirmed nor denied.

Charles Darwin may have been adopted.

Reality may or may not be more than you think.

Time may exist independently of human consciousness.

You may be a robot and not know.

Efficacy through understanding could be exponential, as long as most don't know what they could.

It's not supposed to be easy.

If you were who you think you were, and you are what you think you are,
and some of what will can, can’t or won’t change, you may not be who you think you’ll be.

Some of what was may not have happened the way you think,
like the last time you read the above sentence.

The only two certainties, are that you
and everything that’s not you

I could be wrong.

Think for yourself and act accordingly.

Not responsible if some hypothetical questions may not be,
under alternative interpretations.

Nothing doesn't change.

You can’t start over.

Beginnings are other beginning's ends, but something started everything.

We are addicted to water.

We may have been predestined to have free will.

The future could be reverse obsolescence

Some things look better from farther away
than up close.

You could be awake when you’re sleeping
and dreaming when you’re awake.

The universe would have to be recreated
to make a doughnut from scratch.

Is the answer to this question

You get to pick your nose.

If everything’s the same only different,
everything's everything.

If there was, is, and will be only so much stuff
how old are you?

This could be heaven.

Everything is just right.

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