
Curfew for [Poor African American] teens ends but questions remain

"Mayoral candidate George Hartzman had a harsher assessment.

Hartzman said his 16-year-old daughter and her white friends could get into cars, go downtown and then come home without encountering police. But kids without cars who were walking downtown were subject to questioning and citation by police, he said.

“I think the curfew is socioeconomically biased and racist,” Hartzman said. “It’s about keeping poor, black people out of downtown at night.”

Hartzman on what precipitated the non riot in Greensboro on June 29, 2013

Hartzman on Greensboro City Council's Unconstitutional Noise Ordinance

Katei Cranford on Greensboro Noise and Curfew 7 16 2013

Alex Seymour on 0 Correlation

Greene Street Club, Led Head and why Robbie should recuse himself on Greensboro's Noise Ordinance

George Hartzman Downtown Greensboro Noise and Robbie Perkins

Hartzman on the Independance Day Greensboro Curfew

Nancy Hoffmann on Greensboro's Curfew Not About SNL Kids

George Hartzman on Greensboro Noise Ordinance and Crony Capitalism

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