
On GPAC Municipal Bond Financing; If the assumed interest rate was 4.5%, what is it now?


1 comment:

W.E. Heasley said...

Love the graph. The graph tells a story.

What one can not state about equities [stocks] one can indeed state about interest rates.

Stocks are a “random walk” which is a price change theory [not a price theory]. Within random walk theory, past price changes have no bearing on future price change.

The reverse is true with interest rates.

There are a wide variety of interest rates. However, the wide variety of interest rates tend to move together. Past interest rates, in the main, do have a bearing on future interest rates. How so? When interest rates are very low, interest rates tend to move back [up] to the historical average of interest rates. When interest rates are too high, interest rates tend to move back [down] to the historical average of interest rates. It is a widely known repetitive trend and pattern [see graph].