
Outstanding City of Greensboro Information Requests

Please provide a copy of DGI's conflict of interest policy.
Why and to who did the DGI Foundation, created in 2011, make grants for $19,953 and $12,386 = $32,339 listed under expenses, to DGI on page 1, line 13, of DGF's 990?

Where did the $23,734 and $205,064 in "contributions and grants" listed under revenue, on line 8 come from on page 1?

What was the $21,538 and $191,345 of expenses spent on, in line 18 on page 1?

Please provide the date and text of the ethics code for the City of Greensboro dated after the law passed and before the 2011 deadline.

"The 2009 North Carolina General Assembly passed a law requiring all North Carolina cities, counties, local boards of education, unifi ed governments, sanitary districts, and consolidated city-counties to adopt a resolution or policy containing a code of ethics to guide actions by the governing board members in the performance of their official duties as members of that governing board.1 Each governing board must adopt its resolution or policy by January 1, 2011."

Please provide all non-city council approved city of greensboro grants/payments/allocations since the beginning of 2011, especially payments of taxpayer money at the discretion of the city manager.
Please provide the power point presentation Mayor Perkins used at the East Greensboro Economic Summit.
Please provide communications associated with the Performing Arts Center both to Council’s government email address and also other Council email addresses.

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