
John Hammer: "City Budget Raises Pay, Adds Holiday"

"...There has been virtually no discussion
on the vast majority of the city budget this year.

...the economy may not be good where you're sitting,
but it is great at city hall.

For the second year in a row, 
employees of the City of Greensboro will get a raise. 

...Councilmember Zack Matheny 
had the Community Theatre of Greensboro 
added to the list of performing arts nonprofits to get money from the city. 

Matheny also asked that the Wyndham Championship be added for $10,000. 

...The council also added more funding for the Chamber of Commerce. 

...It was announced that the Guilford County Board of Commissioners, 
which is even more out of touch than the Greensboro City Council, 
plans to start a parks and recreation department. 

...Along with a raise, the city employees are getting another paid holiday. 

...Roth described the holiday as a "bonus" for city employees.

John Hammer
June 14, 2012

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