
Can truth be a casualty of social instability?

Those who do not accept the fundamental principles of state propaganda
are simply excluded from the debate
(or if noticed, dismissed as "emotional," "irresponsible," etc…)

Noam Chomsky

If a few multinational corporations
own an overwhelming majority of newspapers, magazines, news channels
radio stations, book publishers and business information sources,
what are the chances of an investigative journalist
publishing a negative story on a sister subsidiary
or on a subsidiary of another company that could retaliate in kind,
or on a whistleblower against the top brass
of the fourth largest bank in the country?

Is it worse that America’s political leadership didn’t see the financial crisis coming,
or that most economists and business leaders didn’t know
or did and failed to inform the public,
or that some legislators sharing relatively high portions of blame,
pledged to find and punish those responsible and did relatively nothing
as the regulatory infrastructure of the country became compromised?

It is difficult to get a man to understand something
when his salary depends on his not understanding it

Upton Sinclair

Is an untruth disseminated as true a lie
if the truth remains unfound through in-curiosity?

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