
Greensboro and Guilford County Ethics Proposal and Links: Suggestions and/or Objections Welcome

The City of Greensboro and Guilford County governments should be prohibited from funding or approving projects or programs from which local elected officials derive income or profit that depend upon local governmental financial support.

Current Greensboro City Council members, Guilford County School Board members, Guilford County Commissioners and Candidates for local elected office should be prohibited from entering into or receiving compensation from enterprises dependent upon local governmental support.

Current Greensboro City Council members, Guilford County School Board members, Guilford County Commissioners and Candidates for local elected office should be prohibited from making campaign contributions to entities who publicly endorse political candidates.

Current Greensboro City Council members, Guilford County School Board members, Guilford County Commissioners and Candidates for local elected office should be prohibited from accepting campaign contributions or endorsements from those with conflicts of interests, including but not limited to; leading members of organizations receiving taxpayer money, and/or developers, contractors or their lawyers or agents, for 12 months before and after doing business with Greensboro and Guilford County’s governments.

Guarino: Bolstering Ethics Requirements for Local Elected Officials

If Greenburgh, New York can pass “Pay to Play” Ethics Rules, so can Greensboro, North Carolina

If Loudoun County, Virginia can pass “Pay to Play” Ethics Rules, so can Greensboro, North Carolina

I believe that if Greensboro can pass “Pay to Play” Campaign Finance Reforms, a community with infrastructure like ours combined with a level playing field for business that doesn’t have to grease established wheels, could become a magnet for companies looking to relocate

George Hartzman Video on “Pay to Play” Ethics and unnecessary debt and spending

1 comment:

aqieof said...

Sounds like a good idea to me!
You may want to include non profits in the deal as it seems a common pass through for funds... To erase the idea of impropriety and since dgi, its officers and key employees seems to have access to non-public information, it seems appropriate that dgi, its officers (and officers owned entities) refrain from doing any business with the city of Greensboro and its elected officials