
Cholera - Haiti - History - Echo

"...Cholera likely has its origins in and is endemic to the Indian subcontinent. The disease spread by trade routes (land and sea) to Russia, then to Western Europe, and from Europe to North America. Cholera is now no longer considered a pressing health threat in Europe and North America due to filtering and chlorination of water supplies, but still heavily affects populations in developing countries.
...Deaths in India between 1817 and 1860 are estimated to have exceeded 15 million people.
...Another 23 million died between 1865 and 1917.
...Cholera hit Ireland in 1849 and killed many of the Irish Famine survivors already weakened by starvation and fever.
...An outbreak in North America took the life of former U.S. President James K. Polk.
Cholera, believed spread from ship(s) from England, spread throughout the Mississippi river system killing over 4,500 in St. Louis and over 3,000 in New Orleans as well as thousands in New York. It claimed 200,000 victims in Mexico.
...1852-1860 - Third cholera pandemic mainly affected Russia, with over a million deaths.
...The last outbreak in the United States was in 1910-1911 when the steamship Moltke brought infected people to New York City. Vigilant health authorities isolated the infected on Swinburne Island. Eleven people died, including a health care worker on Swinburne Island.
...January 1991 to September 1994 - Outbreak in South America, apparently initiated when a ship discharged ballast water. Beginning in Peru there were 1.04 million identified cases and almost 10,000 deaths.
...October 2010 - Outbreak in Haiti after an earthquake that left many homeless and living in tent cities in unhygeneic conditions."

1 comment:

Don Mitchel said...

Although it is often hard to determine the source of disease, if this cholera virus was initiated by ballast water and shell fish, it will not matter because major news media will keep the information from becoming main steam. This is probably the main reason this administration dose not bother to act on ballast water, as they know it will never be an election issue. During major times of disaster humans have been known to go to the sea for survival, as an island nation shell fish could very well be the source of this cholera epidemic.
Unfortunately major media's ethics and morals go out the window, when ballast systems could be the blame. President Clinton shares responsibility for cholera in ships ballast water killing people, because of being inadequately addressed, during his political time as he knowingly facilitated increased shipping activity to support economic globalization without adequate protections. Hypocritically he is now glorified in the media, for pushing economic globalization for Haiti.