
Ross Douthat on Class and Generational Conflict

The Class War We Need

The rich are different from you and me. They know how to game the system.

…Americans with million-dollar mortgages are defaulting at almost twice the rate of the typical homeowner.

It suggests an infuriating scenario in which the average American slaves away…while fat cats and high fliers cut their losses and sail off to the next investment opportunity.

…the problem…is…that we subsidize their irresponsibility too heavily — underwriting their bad bets and bailing out their follies. The class warfare we need is a conservative class warfare, which would force the million-dollar defaulters to pay their own way from here on out.

Consider the [home] that the Giudices currently occupy (pending potential foreclosure proceedings, of course). The first million of its reported $1.7 million price tag is presumably covered by the federal mortgage-interest tax deduction. Intended to boost middle-class homebuyers, this deduction has gradually turned into a huge tax break for the affluent, with most of the benefits flowing to homeowners with cash income over $100,000. In much of the country, it’s a McMansion subsidy, whose costs to the federal Treasury are covered by the tax dollars of Americans who either rent or own more modest homes.

This policy is typical of the way the federal government does business. In case after case, Washington’s web of subsidies and tax breaks effectively takes money from the middle class and hands it out to speculators and have-mores.

We subsidize drug companies, oil companies, agribusinesses disguised as “family farms” and “clean energy” firms that aren’t energy-efficient at all.

We give tax breaks to immensely profitable corporations that don’t need the money and boondoggles that wouldn’t exist without government favoritism.

…This isn’t just a corporate welfare problem. The same pattern is at work in our entitlement system, which is lurching toward bankruptcy in part because of how much Medicare and Social Security pay to seniors who could get along without assistance. Instead of a safety net that protects the elderly from poverty, we have a system in which the American taxpayer is effectively underwriting cruises and tee times.

All of this ought to be grist for a kind of “small-government egalitarianism,” in the economist Edward Glaeser’s useful phrase, that seeks to shrink government by attacking Washington’s wasteful spending on the well-connected.

…conservatives need to recognize that the most pernicious sort of redistribution isn’t from the successful to the poor. It’s from savers to speculators, from outsiders to insiders, and from the industrious middle class to the reckless, unproductive rich.

Ross Douthat
New York Times, July 11, 2010

1 comment:

Jon A Firebaugh said...

Ross Douthat: "This isn’t just a corporate welfare problem. The same pattern is at work in our entitlement system, which is lurching toward bankruptcy in part because of how much Medicare and Social Security pay to seniors who could get along without assistance. Instead of a safety net that protects the elderly from poverty, we have a system in which the American taxpayer is effectively underwriting cruises and tee times."

Now that's pure unadulterated BS. Social Security at least was enacted initially as an "annuity" type of program. You pay your money in and you have an income later. As a matter of fact, people with earned income over a certain amount will pay income tax on their SS benefits, in esseance paying a portion of their benefits back into the system. SS was never meant to pay out only to those in poverty. There are other programs that are "safety nets", but SS was conceived basically as a "forced savings".

Does Douthat see himself as the authority on where the line gets drawn? Who decides where the cutoff is?