
Is Richard Bruce Cheney a War Criminal?

Speaking with a sense of impunity, he casually negated a key line of defense that senior Bush officials had hidden behind for years – that the brutal interrogations were approved by independent Justice Department legal experts who thus gave the administration a legitimate reason to believe the actions were within the law.

However, on Sunday, Cheney acknowledged that the White House had told the Justice Department lawyers what legal opinions to render.

In other words, the opinions amounted to ordered-up lawyering to permit the administration to do whatever it wanted.

Robert Parry

Cheney Admits to Being War Criminal

George Washington
Naked Capitalism


Abner Doon said...

Of course Dick's not a War Criminal.

The government said they were terrorists.

So we can cut arms off etc...

Although, nobody really knows who is a terrorist if they don't show you why.

Could be someone's ex-husband that some CIA guy hated.

Could be some foriegn businessman who was interupting a deal between Haliburton and the Nigerian government.

But the government said they were terrorists.

So lets kill them without really knowing anything.

National Security and all.

Because the government said so.

The government knows what it's doing.

Always believe the government when they tell you something without showing any evidence.

Always do what you're told.

Don't question authority.

Otherwise you're a no good liberal, or wing nut, or dooder.

The government would never tell the public an untruth, like "subprime is contained," or "mushroom cloud," or "Saddam was in on 9/11," or "Freddie and Fannie are perfectly fine," or "Quantatative Easing," or "Social Security is Solvent" etc...

The government always tells the truth, so go watch the Olympics because this didn't even happen in the first place.

Fec said...

Does a fat baby fart?

Abner Doon said...


same with thin frogs with airtight areolas.
