
George Hartzman Statement: SynerG and Elon University School of Law Candidate Forum, October 28, 2009

My name is George Hartzman, I am a financial advisor and I teach CPA continuing ed. and financial ethics, and I believe that less debt and lower taxes = More new jobs.


Greensboro has the highest tax rate of the 10 biggest cities in North Carolina, and we have lost more than 20,000 jobs and $1 billion of local annual income in the last twelve months, which means we are about to pay for even more, with less.


In last November’s election, the electorate approved $806 million dollars of more debt, not including interest, to be paid for with higher taxes during the worst recession since the Great Depression.


How can we attract new jobs if our revenues are falling, and we’re raising taxes to borrow more for what we don’t need?


I am here because our economy and our political system is broken, and because we are trying to fix it by betraying fiduciary obligations to our children.


Let’s not spend more than we make on what we don’t need.


Thank you

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