Have you accepted campaign contributions from leading members of organizations that have received taxpayer money within 12 months, before and/or after said organizations received funds from the City of Greensboro?
I, George Hartzman, have not received political campaign contributions from any leading members of any organizations, 12 months before and/or after said organizations received taxpayer funds from the City of Greensboro.
Have you accepted campaign contributions from officers of developers, contractors or their lawyers or agents within 12 months, before and/or after their employers received taxpayer money from the City of Greensboro?
I, George Hartzman, have not accepted campaign contributions from officers of developers, contractors or their lawyers or agents, 12 months before and/or after they received taxpayer money from the City of Greensboro.
George Hartzman's NC State Ethics Questionaire
"I, George Hartzman, have not received political campaign contributions from any leading members of any organizations, 12 months before..."
How do you know?
Hi Roch
You are welcome to investigate my filings. I listed everyone.
But great question really. How is anyone to know, other that names, addresses and occupations, who is funding our politial process.
It has really been an eye opener to have studied 2007's filings.
Most of what many consider to be improper is reported at the national level. What I realized is the way contributions are made to our senators etc... may very well be a reflection of what happens on the local level.
Think Defense and Healthcare industry money flows relative to military contracts and medicare reimbursements.
In Greensboro, my impression seems to be the same thing, only different, with the same indifference from news outlets because they rely on the advertizing revenue, just like the national TV networks.
I also think there may be a connection between approving borrowing for capital projects and contributions before elections. The idea that the transmittal of bids from the city for projects and subsequent fundraising events struck me as at Tuesday's City Council Meeting as eerily coincidental timing.
I don't know enough to be sure of the Quid Pro Quo Clarice, but I am certain our political system is broken, and we have performed an amazing disservice to our children.
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