
Excerpts from prepared remarks: George Hartzman, City Council Candidate Forum, Greensboro Historical Museum, September 8, 2009

Opening Statement:


My name is George Hartzman, I am a financial advisor and I teach financial ethics and CPA continuing education.


In the last few months, after becoming involved in Greensboro’s political system, I have found that our election process is seriously flawed.


Some commonly accepted campaign contribution practices that are legal in Greensboro, are illegal elsewhere, and I believe some political donations should be illegal in Greensboro.


There seems to be a high correlation between those funding the political process and those receiving taxpayer money, which is legal in Greensboro, and which is why we should adopt Pay to Play Campaign Finance Reform, which would outlaw candidates and elected officials from accepting campaign contributions from entities with conflicts of interests, including leading members of organizations receiving taxpayer money, and/or developers, contractors or their lawyers or agents, for 12 months before and after doing business with our municipal government.


Our political system is broken.


If we can get our political ethics fixed, Greensboro could attract good paying jobs because businesses will know our city provides a level playing field for companies looking to expand or relocate.


Closing Statement:


Greensboro has the highest tax rate of the 10 biggest cities in North Carolina.


Greensboro and Guilford County authorized 77% more debt for November 2008’s election.


Let’s not spend more than we make on what we don’t need.


If more debt = higher taxes, does it seem like a good idea to not spend more than we make on what we don’t need while in the worst recession since the Great Depression?


I believe that if Greensboro can keep taxes and debt low, if we can pass “Pay to Play” Campaign Finance Reforms that offer a level playing field for business looking to relocate, Greensboro could become a magnet for good paying jobs.


But we have to begin by not spending more than we make on what we don’t need.


George Hartzman, Greensboro City Council Candidate, District 3

September 8, 2009

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Questions for Greensboro » On N&R’s: Candidates call for new financial disclosures said...

[...] Excerpts from prepared remarks: George Hartzman, City Council Candidate Forum, Greensboro Historical Museum, September 8, 2009  [...]