
Who could gain from Greensboro City Council’s proposed “Two Thirds Bond,” and how much have whose political campaigns received from whom?

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul

can always depend on the support of Paul.


George Bernard Shaw


Tony Wilkins said...

Just one voter, just one opinion:
Your style of writing everything into a question aggravates the absolute piss out of me.

The Committee to Elect George Hartzman said...

I truly do apologize. Unfortunately, I am bound by some restrictions of which I am not at liberty to disclose. Hopefully the ends will justify the means.

Roch101 said...

I am with Tony, the manufactured mystery, obscurity and puzzles are not what I'd consider signs of leadership. If you have something to say to us, respect us enough to spell it out plainly and concisely -- and, I might add, don't joke around by hiding behind a "committee." There are people in their twenties in this campaign who are acting more mature. Your methods suggest that you either don't have an interest in facilitating understanding among your potential constituents or that you are in this for your own amusement.

The Committee to Elect George Hartzman said...

I believe Greensboro’s political system has been compromised. How is a nobody without name recognition supposed to ascertain information the local press doesn’t seem interested in? What should I have done after finding out about a multimillion dollar debt deal and tax increase no one knows about? Should I have made open accusations and be sued for slander and defamation, which would surely lead to personal financial demise? I am running to stop our local government from borrowing from our children’s future income. We voted for $150 million in bonds last November and we’re supposed to borrow another $200 million on top of that without a vote being taken. We are going to increase the debts owed by our kids by more than 50% in a couple of years. How can I fight for my family without getting crushed by lawyers on retainer?