
Good Questions

Why is so much effort being put into propping up

those at the top of the economic pyramid

 …when during a period of deflation like the one we are in

any recovery will come only by restoring the confidence of the people

down at the bottom of the pyramid?


What happens when people buy a car

once every 10 years instead of once every two or three

especially now that we taxpayers own such a big percentage

of the American auto industry?


Instead of promising the imminent return of good times

why isn’t Mr Obama talking more about the importance

of living within our means and not spending money we don’t have

on things we don’t need?


Is there to be any limit on bailouts?


Is there no room left

for what the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter termed

“creative destruction”?


The Economy Is Still at the Brink

Sandy B Lewis and William D Cohan

New York Times

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