
How much and for how longhave members of the Senate Banking Committeeand the House Financial Services Committeetaken from whom?

Son when you grow up

Would you be the savior of the broken

The beaten and the damned?


Will you defeat them

Your demons, and all the non believers

The plans that they have made?


Black Parade

My Chemical Romance

If Alfonse D'Amato, Phil Gramm, Paul Sarbanes

Richard Shelby and Christopher Dodd

chaired the Senate Banking Committee from 1995 to the present

while Michael Oxley, James Leach and Barney Frank

led in the House of Representatives

why was what legislation introduced by whom?


A democracy will continue to exist

 up until the time that voters discover

 that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury


From that moment on

the majority always votes for the candidates

who promise the most benefits…

with the result that every democracy

will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy…


…nations always progressed through the following sequence


From bondage to spiritual faith

from spiritual faith to great courage

from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance

from abundance to complacency

from complacency to apathy

 from apathy to dependence

from dependence back into bondage



If the National Football League’s revenue

comes from television contracts, licensed paraphernalia, and ticket sales

and divided up between teams in two conferences


and special interest and corporate contributions

are relatively divided up between two political parties

depending on who currently holds more power


do most fans and constituents tend to cheer for their team

even though the financial foundations of both systems

enrich both sides of the same businesses

who exclude all and/or most of the nonaffiliated from participation?


Why is opensecrets.org down? 


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