
Does complexityincrease the likelihood of complication?

Iraqi security forces, supported by US troops

…arrested Adil al Mashadani

the leader of the Fadhil Awakening group


His men responded with fury, indignation - and gunfire


Five Iraqi soldiers - including an officer, according to one report

were taken hostage


Their fate is still unknown


Numerous Iraqis have told me

they do not believe the new peace here is permanent


They say many members of the old regime

remain angry that they lost their status


A widely expressed fear here

is that these "remnants" have been only temporarily suppressed


…that they are "sitting on their hands"

waiting to resume their activities when American forces leave


…the leader of the Awakening in Baqub

…where al-Qaeda still have active units – warned

 "The government must remember that without the Sahwa

 there would not have been any security in Iraq"


In Fadhil, before the arrest operation on Saturday

 the deputy Awakening leader Khaled al Qaisi

 told me he was also concerned

 that his men could be tempted back to al-Qaeda

 mainly because they had not been paid for two months


Hugh Sykes

BBC, Baghdad, March 30, 2009


If causes, actions or winners have effects, reactions or losers

and A is caused, allowed, accelerated, held back or prevented

is it better to pre-think what could happen to B, C and D

than not?

You’ll benefit from contributed causes

or be deterred by imposed effects


If an opponent’s position can be used against them

and the pinnacle of vulnerability is the moment of assault

should attack commence from defended positions?


Are chances better

for players who more accurately calculate probabilities the farthest into the future?


If players don’t necessarily follow the same rules

which can change without everyone knowing

should you break rules if your opponent does?


If your attack is going too well

 you have walked into an ambush


Infantry Journal

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