
Do some politicians pacify the electorate with platitudeswhile promising the status quoto those enjoying legislated benefits?

The art of government consists of taking as much money as possible

 from one party of citizens to give to the other



Did US legislators

who voted in favor of the Wall Street rescue plan

on September 29th 2008

receive ~54% more in campaign contributions

from financial interests

than the lawmakers who voted against the bill?


Why would legislators

who received targeted campaign contributions

be relatively protective of certain entities?


It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change

and a greater evil than this


The conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder


Frederic Bastiat


What would our Founding Fathers think?


What would they think of the Fed?


Of the influence of Congress?


Of earmarks?


Of Keynesian economics?


Of our tax code and its use of it?


Of our country being run by politicians and bureaucrats

 instead of the private sector

which the US Constitution was supposed to protect?


Of gold at $900+ and the treatment of the sacred US dollar?


Of the SEC, OTS, FDIC, FTC, FHFA, and OCC?


By Peter Boockvar

The Big Picture

March 19th, 2009

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