
Paulson, Buffet and Geithner

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Why, on September 23, 2008

would Warren Buffet invest in a company

whose former CEO made millions enabling the real estate bubble

and after becoming Treasury Secretary

saved a company with financial ties to his prior employer

on September 16th

while allowing a former competitor to fail on September 14th

and who proposed


entering into contracts…

without regard to any other provision of law…

designating financial institutions

as financial agents of the Government…

subject to supervision by the Secretary

whose decisions


are non-reviewable…

and may not be reviewed by any court of law

 or any administrative agency

with $700 billion of taxpayer money?


We've Been Had

Marketwatch, March 17, 2009

 If Geithner figured it out, when?


It all appears, once again

to be the same insiders protecting themselves

against sharing the pain and risk of their own bad adventure


Elliot Spitzer

Slate, March 17, 2009

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