
From Mike Barber's City Council Economic Interest Disclosure signed on February 24, 2014

Question 6(a) During the preceding calendar year, were you... [affiliated with] ...a nonprofit corporation...

"The First Tee of the Triad - CEO"

Mike Barber

6(b) If the listed nonprofit corporation or organizations do business with the City or receive City funds, please provide a brief description or the nature of that business, if known, or with which due diligence could reasonably be known.


Mike Barber

7. During the preceding calendar year, were you... [affiliated with] ...a nonprofit corporation... which has an interest pertaining to subject matter areas over which the city may have jurisdiction?

Answer has a line drawn through the boxes

8(a) List the name of each business with which you are associated where you or your spouse is an employee, director, officer partner, proprietor or member or manager.

Answer has a line drawn through the boxes

8(b) If you know that any company or business entity listed in 8(a) above has any material business dealings or business contracts with the City, or is regulated by the City, provide a brief description of the business activity.

Answer has a line drawn through the boxes

"The City of Greensboro provides no funding to our Chapter...

"We do however, ...provide programming for 8 weeks in the spring and fall at Gillespie.

Greensboro Parks and Rec do not provide golf with life skills for kids and we fill that void at no cost to the city.

The organization 6 years ago signed an agreement with the city for The First Tee of the Triad to serve its kids at Gillespie..."

Mike Barber
April 4, 2014

First Tee of the Triad's Total 2012 Revenue; $351,252
Expenditures on Accounting; $15,000, or 4.27% of Revenue
Page 10, question 11 C

First Tee of Charlotte Total 2012 Revenue; $781.191
Expenditures on Accounting; $0 
Page 10, question 11 C

First Tee of New York Total 2012 Revenue; $3,084,949
$22,743 for Accounting, or 0.737% of Revenue

First Tee of DC 2012 Total Revenue, Line 12; $397,171
Accounting $2,700, or 0.679% of Revenue

First Tee of Pittsburgh 2012 Total Revenue, Line 12; $1,017,593
Accounting; $10,872, or 1.07% of Revenue

Greater Austin First Tee Total Revenue; $1,283,240
Accounting; $1,989, or 0.154% of Revenue

Richmond First Tee Total Revenue; $1,722,525
Accounting; $27,565, or 1.60% of Revenue

San Francisco First Tee Tee Total Revenue; $2,016,970
Accounting; $14,690, or 0.728% of Revenue

First Tee of Atlanta Revenue; $648,208
Accounting; $9,250, or 1.427% of Revenue

First Tee of Fort Smith, Arkansas Revenue; $273,452
Accounting; $3,206, or 1.17% of Revenue

First Tee of Central Florida Revenue; $259,669
Accounting; $0

First Tee of the Triad's Total 2012 Revenue; $351,252
Expenditures on Accounting; $15,000, or 4.27% of Revenue
Page 10, question 11 C


From a reader;

"Part I, line 15 states “Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column (A), LINES 5-10)" equals $218,547.

Executive Director Anne Marie Goslak's salary is $35,208. Barber’s salary is $86,250. That means salaries equal $121,458.

However, salaries, other compensation and employee benefits total $218,547 (above). Meaning an additional compensation exists of $97,089.

If you look at Part IX, column A, lines 5 - 10 indeed add up to $218,547.

What is the other $97,089? Can see $16,248 of the $97,089 is payroll taxes.

Is the remainder reimbursed business expense such as travel?"
From a reader;

"We do however, ...provide programming for 8 weeks in the spring and fall at Gillespie.

Greensboro Parks and Rec do not provide golf with life skills for kids and we fill that void at no cost to the city.

The organization 6 years ago signed an agreement with the city for The First Tee of the Triad to serve its kids at Gillespie..."

Mike Barber
The “…no cost to the city” phrase is odd. If the city of Greensboro is not charged for services rendered by First Tee of the Triad then the correct phrase would be: no price to the city.

However, a “cost” to the city does exist. How so?

“Cost” is always and forever the alternative. Therefore, if golf facilities are rendered to First Tee by the city of Greensboro then the cost would be the alternative use of the facilities. For example, driving range/practice area and/or the links themselves, if used by First Tee and their participants means the city of Greensboro would not derive potential income from user fees charged regularly to others wanting to use the driving range/practice areas and/or links (regular user fees forgone).

Does there exist a demand for “golf with life skills”? If so, the demand would come from the participants who want to acquire such skills. The supply of “golf with life skills” is provided by First Tee and the city of Greensboro when Gillespie Park is employed/deployed. Therefore supply is not a supply procured and paid for by the not-for- profit corporation, rather supply is a combination of supply produced by First Tee and supply produced by the city of Greensboro.

We end with participants demanding golf with life stills at price Ps (price subsidized by private charitable sponsors [albeit 6.6% to the total]). The supply of golf with life skills is two components of which are: First Tee supply (Fts) which is a supply subsidized by private charitable sponsors (albeit 93.4% of the total) and the supply of golf facilities by Greensboro (Gs) being a component of supply which is subsidized by the city of Greensboro. Which raises a question: without the Gs would the Fts remain 93.4 of total or would it fall? Or would, absent Gs, the Ps fall from its already ridiculously low 6.6% so as to preserve the 93.4% Fts?

Tri-subsidies exist in that price is subsidized, First Tee supply is subsidized and golf facility usage is subsidized.

The subsidy of the participants and First Tee is the business of the charitable sponsors through its intermediary First Tee. The subsidized golf facility is also the responsibility of the charitable sponsors through its intermediary First Tee…..not a third party know as taxpayers.

Taxpayers, in a coercive sense, have already made a “charitable” contribution regarding the existence and on going maintenance of the golf facility. Any user fees are an attempt to keep the taxpayer contribution from rising beyond its already coercive level. Hence the forgone user fees need restored and paid by First Tee, as the taxpayers [charity of the tax type] have already made the capital expenditure to make the facility available at a nominal user fee.

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