
George Hartzman is better off for collaborating with Jeffrey Sykes as an Editor; Hartzman's Yes Weekly Column on the Steven Tanger Center (GPAC)



What you think I'm thinking,
isn't necessarily what I'm thinking.

George Hartzman

Confirm assumptions. Learn from misconceptions. Contemplate. Debate.
Consider what may happen after what could probably happen next.
Execute. Examine new information. Begin again.

Why is this thus?

What is the reason for this thusness?

Artemus Ward

To leave others better off by challenging what and how our community thinks.

Words ought to be a little wild,
for they are the assaults of thoughts on the unthinking.

John Maynard Keynes

If the present embodies the past and future,
rational analysis maximizes present accomplishment, and chances of success are better
for those who more accurately prognosticate the farthest into the future,
the who and why to find first is you,
before the when and how to achieve what for the longest time with the least risk.

We benefit from contributed causes, or are deterred by imposed effects.

Experienced others' help can increase efficacy.

Coffee tastes better
if the latrines are dug downstream from an encampment.

US Army Field Regulations, 1861

If you can’t think of everything,
could there be greater return in a shorter amount of time with less risk
by leveraging experience and resources other than your own?

If life is a room of open doors leading to other open doors,
do what you and/or others do or don’t
determine what doors stay open or lock you in or out?

If there's less risk and greater return
in learning from other people’s experience before having to learn from your own
and good judgment comes from experience,
experience doesn't necessarily have to come from bad judgment.

Sometimes there’s no is
in this.

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