
Greensboro, North Carolina: American Rescue Plan submission; Design and build cars in Greensboro

Greensboro needs a new corporate headquarters.  Out of town headquarters are more likely to idle or shut down plants farther from home.  The best way to preserve locally created jobs is to have a major local company headquarters as an insurance policy to keep the best paying jobs over the long term.

Greensboro could create more than 10,000 jobs by designing and manufacturing a high quality, simply designed, inexpensive, fuel efficient, modifiable category killer automobile with easily interchangeable parts between different model years, like Jeep CJ’s, vintage VW Beetles, Toyota Camry's or Kia Souls, turning the global auto manufacturing industry business model upside-down and maximizing the potential future of our community.

The current auto industry's business model, infrastructure and baked in legacy costs could not adapt and compete with an end user oriented, relatively lower cost model vehicle located within easy reach of the rest of the world.

If taxpayer monies are involved, executive pay shouldn’t exceed 10-20 times the average hourly wage, creating good will by maximizing employee income as much as possible to create higher rates of city and county wide economic growth.

A business model fighting wealth inequality would create massive brand loyalty and sell more cars than any start up in history.

Employee compensation based on performance, productivity, quality and profitability could make Greensboro the center of the next era of the auto industry by simply paying employees as much as possible within the metrics of a profitable company, and less if profit falls.

A high quality, easily maintained vehicle should cost at least half as much over the auto's life compared to what's currently offered by manufacturers who rely on planned obsolescence and monopolistic business practices.  Essentially the entire global auto industry's profit margins are dependent on a non-consumer friendly model that can be attacked by an upcoming competitor.

If the global auto industry's revenues are dependent on a business model that can be attacked by an upcoming lower cost, higher quality American competitor from a non-union oriented state like North Carolina, with pre-owned equipment purchased at discounts as auto manufacturing contracts, we can create high paying employment within an industry losing similar jobs hamstrung by unsustainable legacy costs.

As we enter what very much looks like a global economic downturn after ten years of global central bank intervention, auto manufacturing equipment should be relatively inexpensively acquired in the near term future, as some auto makers succumb to the new realities of Tesla like business models.

A category killer like Apple's smartphone, Google's search engine or Amazon's business model could dramatically increase North Carolina's standard of living if those involved or with a stake can own shares of a company who's value could exponentially increase in the near to long term.

If North Carolinian taxpayers invest, they should own shares along with the public.  If any taxpayer monies are utilized to create jobs via a automobile company, then individual taxpayers should literally own shares of the company.  Citizens who've never owned equity in an entrepreneurial enterprise would have a better understanding of how to create wealth in our community, thereby teaching as many in our area how to "fish".  Millions in financial backing from municipalities and the state can be leveraged into billions in equity offerings to exponentially generate debt free capital funding opportunities and interested, willing and qualified consumers, easily repaying taxpayer funded capital investment as soon as practicable.

If Tesla Motors launched its initial public offering and raised $226 million, we can raise 10 times as much for an automotive company that could sell 100 times more, which would employ thousands with less automation involved to increase incomes, employment and economic growth in our state by changing the future of the global auto manufacturing industry.  North Carolina can create somewhere between $3 and $6 billion of direct investment into our state with this strategy, while not increasing outstanding debt.

The current auto industry's infrastructure and baked in union related legacy pension costs etc..., could not adapt and compete with an end user and employee focused start up producing lower cost, higher quality products.

An easily repairable/modifiable automobile produced by employees who have a stake in a high quality product should create an active aftermarket for enthusiasts, sparking small businesses set up to create alternative parts for trending modifications.

Lowering carrying costs means lower consumer payments for insurance and maintenance.  With easily acquired and inexpensively obtainable replacement parts over the auto's longer lifespan, car owners should fair well financially, increasing state wide discretionary income.  If parts were made to be easily replaced and widely available without prohibitively expensive specialized proprietary tools and diagnostic equipment, they should cost much less, which would dramatically lower warranty and long term carrying costs to consumers, building brand loyalty.

If a bumper gets scratched in an accident, a modern automobile's replacement is relatively very much more expensive than 30 years ago.  Modern replacement costs are most likely only available at a premium as consumers have become dependent on the industry's exclusivity of non-aftermarket parts and labor for profitability.

By designing and producing an easily up-gradable and/or modifiable automobile, which would create an active aftermarket for enthusiasts as imagination and enjoyment kick in on something that is relatively the same, but can be made different, catering to individual styles of diverse owners, we can create thousands of high paying domestic jobs.

Smartphone/tablet instead of installed, in-dash overpriced components;

Cars with easily replaceable smartphones and tablets for on board computers instead of expensive to replace installed systems could revolutionize the auto manufacturing industry by clearly saving consumers money over time.

By providing dealer level diagnostics with an app and a hard wire connection, owners can save money by knowing more about what a dealer would charge $100 for.  Instead of an engine light alerting the driver of an unknown or unknowable issue, purposefully designed to increase the profitability of captive dealer networks, creating a system that let's the driver instantly know what the actual problem is or may likely be, would save "fix it" costs by earlier identification and easily replaceable, lower cost parts.

Higher levels of diagnostics with easily replaceable, lower cost parts, saving owners money, should increase resell values relative to competitors.  A system that let's the driver instantly know what an actual problem is or may likely be, would save "fix it" costs by earlier identification and reclamation of issues.

The coming economic downturn should provide a once in a generation opportunity to create a large market share quickly, by producing relatively lower cost, reliable, longer lasting cars.

If parts were made to be easily replaced and widely available without specialized "mechanic only" tools, replacement parts would/could cost much less, which could dramatically lower insurance premiums and the long term carrying costs for consumers, not unlike the Kia/Hyndia models, which offer industry leading power train warranties.

Thousands of jobs can be created with a loyal 'populist' following.

If taxpayer monies are utilized to create jobs via a automobile company, then individual taxpayers should literally own shares of the company.

Residents of the municipalities receiving subsidized capital should/could receive equity stakes, increasing brand recognition, loyalty and market share.  Citizens who've never owned equity in an entrepreneurial enterprise would have a better understanding of how to create wealth in our community, thereby teaching as many in our area how to "fish" while providing thousands of new, good paying jobs.

 North Carolina could create somewhere between $3 and $6 billion of direct investment in the state with an employment centered strategy, while not increasing outstanding debt and carrying costs.

Employees could be paid on productivity and profitability and executive pay wouldn’t exceed 10-20 times the average hourly wage, with the idea being to maximize employee income as much as possible, to create higher rates of economic growth in our community, and not just enrich those at the top.

In other words, a business model that would fight income and wealth inequality that would blow away our current profits to the top execs model of capitalism, which has deteriorated the stability of our economy.

Employee pay should be based on performance, quality and profitability, which could make the Piedmont Triad the center of the next era of the auto industry, by paying employees as much as possible within the metrics of a profitable company.

1 comment:

Billy Jones said...

Or at the never before used 500 acres of the city owned White Street Landfill where plenty of free and low cost energy is available to power the auto plant and reduce the cost of making the cars making them more cost competitive in the market place.

After all, that's where the jobs are needed most, cost are the lowest and access to railroads for shipping is closest.