
Joe Gaurino; "I'm Voting for George Hartzman"

"For me, this is really not a difficult decision.

...The voting records and political profiles for Robbie Perkins and Nancy Vaughan have been virtually indistinguishable over the last several years.

...They both allowed taxes on Greensboro residents to increase when they refrained from adjusting the tax rate downward to compensate for the effect of the property tax revaluation. They have both voted for increases in water rates repeatedly. Each of them has fallen for the idol worship of downtown Greensboro that has commandeered so many tax dollars.

Both Robbie and Nancy have shamelessly sought the Simkins PAC endorsement repeatedly in the past; and have bowed obsequiously to meet its expectations on various issues. Both are aligned with the liberal Greensboro Partnership/Action Greensboro/Melderec crowd. They tend to support much of what that crowd expects and demands. They are both economic liberals. ...They are both responsible for the fact that our tax rate is much higher than we see in Raleigh, for instance.

...Readers might ask how I could possibly vote for George Hartzman when he is a social liberal.

...George is a strong fiscal conservative. He opposes the funding of frivolous projects that do not represent the core functions of municipal government. He recognizes that the city's spending habits have placed us at a disadvantage from the standpoint of job creation.

George places much emphasis on ethics for council members. This would be a fairly novel concept for the current Greensboro City Council which operates a spoils system for its political supporters. George strenuously opposes the kind of corrupt machine government we have had for many years in Greensboro. Robbie and Nancy, by contrast, are inevitably part of our corrupt local machine politics-- both with their votes and their alliances.

George-- unlike Robbie and Nancy-- will not be a loyal soldier for the Simkins PAC and the Melderec crowd. Robbie and Nancy are both long-serving council members who have been part of the crowd that caused Greensboro's precipitous decline. They are both walking, living, breathing arguments for term limits.

A vote for George is a vote to repudiate Robbie and Nancy, and all they represent. George's political stance and platform are much better than theirs, hands down. While it is true that he is a social liberal, he is much better than his opponents on the other issues that matter most.

I will therefore vote for George without hesitation.


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