
Ben Holder on Heratige House

"In responding to a request for public records..., a discrepancy in reporting the re-inspections of some [Heritage House apartment complex] units within the complex was discovered.

...the City inspected all 177 units in December, 2012.

...For those not in compliance, the Planning and Community Development Department (PCD) established a date of February 25, 2013, for property owners to make repairs and to be re-inspected.

According to the City’s Code Enforcement Administrator, the units were re-inspected and 32 were granted time extensions to continue making repairs. However, the documentation of those re-inspections and extensions was not compiled or updated in the City’s tracking system until yesterday, April 2, 2013. Subsequently, those updates were also not logged into the City’s code compliance web portal, which can be accessed by the public.

...The city didn't discover shit until I spoon fed them the information."

The Troublemaker

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