
City of Greensboro Information Request:

Was the employee raise and paid Holiday
included in the proposed 1012-13 budget
before the adopted budget?

Isn't the property Mayor Perkins wants to invest taxpayer money in
by placing a lien on the property to acquire it, 
connected to a property Mr. Perkins received a commission from selling 
of which said property owners received about $200,000 for a parking lot
from Greensboro taxpayers?

How will the taxpayer restoration of the Elm Street Saloon building 
benefit Mayor Perkins benefactors, 
as opposed to other taxpaying businesses in the area?

Should Mayor Perkins ethically advocate for such a project?

Please list the entirety of NAI Piedmont's 
leased, for lease and for sale properties
in Greensboro's Central Business District.

Please disclose any Greensboro City Council Member's 
commericial or residential property ownership
in Greensboro's Central Business District.

Please provide all City Council 
and City of Greensboro Government communications
relative to the proposed Performing Arts Center
since the beggining of 2012.

Please provide any City Council 
and City of Greensboro Government communications
not directed to City Council's government email addresses
since the beggining of 2012.

1 comment:

g said...
