
Is the GPAC Task Force Using a Push Poll"

"...We should use our survey efforts as a two-way communication tool
in order to share historical and other perspectives on Performing Arts Centers (“PAC).

...We should explore the opportunities
for subsidized performances at the PAC.

- We should gain an understanding
of the methodologies employed by the consultants relative to surveying efforts.

- An idea was shared to conduct a Poll
in order to educate the community about our efforts.

[Ross Harris indicated that the Advisory Committee
has determined not to conduct polls at this point in the process].

However, the poll we are suggesting is an awareness poll
– not an opinion poll."


"A push poll is an interactive marketing technique,
most commonly employed during political campaigning,
in which an individual or organization attempts to influence or alter the view of respondents
under the guise of conducting a poll.

In a push poll, large numbers of respondents are contacted,
and little or no effort is made to collect and analyze response data.

Instead, the push poll is a form of ...propaganda ...masquerading as a poll.

...Push polling has been condemned by the American Association of Political Consultants...

The mildest forms of push polling are designed merely to remind voters of a particular issue.

One way to distinguish between push polling as a tactic
and polls which legitimately seek information is the sample size.

Genuine polls make do with small, representative samples,
whereas push polls can be very large, like any other mass marketing effort.

True push polls tend to be very short, with only a handful of questions...

...Any data obtained (if used at all) is secondary in importance..."

Push Poll

First Question: Arts and cultural activities
may include attending live performances of music, dance or theater,
visiting museums and galleries, or creating art yourself
such as painting or singing in a chorus.

Would you say that you are ______ in arts and cultural activities?
First Answer to first question: Don't Know

Response: Greensboro Performing Arts Center Task Force Community Survey

Thank you for your time and input.

Greensboro Performing Arts Center Task Force
Second Answer to first question: Not at all interested

Response: Greensboro Performing Arts Center Task Force Community Survey

Thank you for your time and input.

Greensboro Performing Arts Center Task Force
Third Answer to first question: Not very interested

Response: Greensboro Performing Arts Center Task Force Community Survey

Thank you for your time and input.

Greensboro Performing Arts Center Task Force
Fourth Answer to first question: Somewhat interested

Response: In a typical year, how many arts and cultural activities do you attend?

Answer: 10 etc...

Propaganda proceeds by psychological manipulations,
character modifications, and the creation of stereotypes
useful when the time comes.

The two great routes that propaganda takes
are the conditioned reflex and the myth.

Jacques Ellul

"The propagandist seeks to change the way people understand an issue or situation
for the purpose of changing their actions and expectations
in ways that are desirable to the interest group.

Propaganda, in this sense, serves as a corollary to censorship
in which the same purpose is achieved,
not by filling people's minds with approved information,
but by preventing people from being confronted with opposing points of view.

...Propaganda is generally an appeal to emotion, not intellect.

It shares techniques with advertising and public relations,
each of which can be thought of as propaganda that promotes a commercial product
or shapes the perception of an organization, person, or brand.

..."Propaganda is a form of communication
that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position.

As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense,
presents information primarily to influence an audience.

Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission)
to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages
to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented.

The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience..."


The beauty of the democratic systems of thought control,
...is that they operate by subtly establishing on a voluntary basis ,
aided by the force of ...media control by substantial interests,
presuppositions that set the limits of debate,
rather than by imposing beliefs with a bludgeon.

Then let the debate rage, the more lively and vigorous it is,
the better the propaganda system is served…

Those who do not accept the fundamental principles of state propaganda,
are simply excluded from the debate.
(or if noticed, dismissed as "emotional," "irresponsible," etc…)

Noam Chomsky

A democracy will continue to exist
up until the time that voters discover
that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury

From that moment on
the majority always votes for the candidates
who promise the most benefits…
with the result that every democracy
will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy…

…nations always progressed through the following sequence

From bondage to spiritual faith
from spiritual faith to great courage
from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance
from abundance to complacency
from complacency to apathy
from apathy to dependence
from dependence back into bondage


1 comment:

Billy Jones said...

I would encourage your readers to view and take mt own GPAC Survey.