
W. E. Heasley on Don Jud in Nancy McLaughlin's Cone Health Propaganda Piece

“We know that health care is a very important industry in our country
— it’s the only industry that didn’t lose employment in this recession….”.

And that reason is professor emeritus Don Jud?

Would it happen to be that the health-care industry
is approximately 55% government third party pay?

Would it be due to the third party pay phenomena in general,
public or private?

Would it be due to an economic sector that does not post its prices?

Would one shop at Target or Wal-Mart
if no prices were posted and after you buy,
a bill comes in the mail for previous purchases
of which you had no idea of the price.

Would one shop at a store with no prices posted?

You do in health-care!

“It means that a lot of those health care dollars
that might otherwise be spent outside the community
will be spent here.”

If each community purchased locally
ala an economy based on what was a requirement in medieval times,
then ninety five percent of what you demand
could never be supplied locally
[want a car, how about a computer, I-phone, bananas anyone?].

W. E. Heasly

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