
Arn't both Skip and Brenda responsible for this?

Each official must find within his or her own conscience
the touchstone by which to determine what conduct is appropriate.

Code of Ethics for the Board of Commissioners
of Guilford County, North Carolina
"...it appears there is a plan to keep Arnold in Guilford County government and sources say that, after Arnold's two decades as a commissioner, he may end up in a newly created Guilford County position that has the official title of "Land Use, Construction and Real Estate Director," but could probably best be referred to as "Construction Czar."

Avoid attempting to influence others
who are involved in making or administering a contract...(G.S. 14-234 (a)(2)…

Code of Ethics for the Board of Commissioners
of Guilford County, North Carolina
If Arnold does end up in that position, he would be the third most powerful person in Guilford County administration...

Board members should avoid impropriety
in the exercise of their official duties.

Their official actions should be above reproach.

A board member is considered to be acting with impropriety
if a reasonable person who was made aware of the totality
of the circumstances surrounding the board member’s action
would conclude that it was more likely than not
that the behavior did not befit someone in the board member’s position.

…They should act as the especially responsible citizens
whom others can trust and respect.

Code of Ethics for the Board of Commissioners
of Guilford County, North Carolina

...When Guilford County Manager Brenda Jones Fox was cutting low-level positions left and right over the last two years, there were press releases out of the county manager's office pointing to those cuts. However, there was no such press release when Fox created what will constitute the third most powerful position in Guilford County government. There was no publicity about the creation of the position and the only public evidence of it so far is a posting of the job description on the section of the county's website that lists vacancies and new positions.

Avoid deriving a direct benefit from contracts
in which you are involved in making or administering... (G.S. 14-234((a)1)

Code of Ethics for the Board of Commissioners
of Guilford County, North Carolina

...Sources inside Guilford County government said they did anticipate Arnold would apply for the job.

The board should set a good example for others in the community,
keeping in mind that trust and respect must continually be earned.

Code of Ethics for the Board of Commissioners
of Guilford County, North Carolina

...When Arnold was asked about the position and if he intended to pursue it, he said, "I have not applied."

Avoid using your knowledge of contemplated action...
or information known to you in your official capacity and not made public,
to acquire a financial interest in any property, transaction, or enterprise,
or to gain a financial benefit that may be affected by the information
or contemplated action... (G.S. 14-234.1)

Code of Ethics for the Board of Commissioners
of Guilford County, North Carolina

When asked if he intended to apply, Arnold said he was currently exploring all options available to him and was trying to determine the best course of action."

Scott Yost
Rhino Times

Avoid soliciting or receiving any gift or reward
in exchange for recommending, influencing, or attempting to influence
the award of a contract by the public agency you serve. (G.S. 14-234 (a)3)

Code of Ethics for the Board of Commissioners
of Guilford County, North Carolina

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